Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life is crap

Scusate mi tanto ragazzi. Non so quando torno qui . Perche ho un grave problema. La nostra casa é stata sequestrata dalla guardia di finanza e venduta all'asta al prezzo molto più basso del suo valore di mercato. La banda dei giudici avvocati e commercialisti disonesti si sono messi d'accordo tra loro per truffarci. Quindi adesso la mia famiglia non possiede più la casa e noi dobbiamo trasferirci in una casa d'affitto , poi fare tutto da capo, anche internet, puo darsi ci vediamo allora.

I am sorry guys. I do not know when I come back here. Because I have a serious problem. Our house was seized by Guardia di Finanza (fucking italian financial police) and sold at auction at a price much lower than its market value. The gang of judges dishonest lawyers and accountants have been agreed among themselves to defraud us . So now my family has no longer a home, and we must move to a rental house, then make everything from scratch, including internet, maybe I'll return then.

Monday, October 13, 2008

PERSONA ~trinity soul~ Complete

Subs by ainex

Format: ass

Timing: tv raws


Itazura na Kiss Complete

Subs by BakaWolf-m.3.3.w

Subs Format: ass, srt

Timing tv raw


Gun X Sword Complete

Subs by ACX

Format: ssa,ass

Timing DVD


Gasaraki Full


DVDrip timing

Subs by G_P

Subs format: ass, srt


EF - A tale of memories Complete

Subs by Menclave

Timed For some chinese DVDRips and For Henshin DVDrip


Druaga no To the Aegis of Uruk 1 season

1 - 12 + sp1 By Gonzo

Typesetted by Nova-Furukawa (1-12)  and  Hi-no-Ka (sp1)
